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Friday, March 24, 2006

Förslag Till SL

Nyligen var det en undersökning ombord Saltsöbanan. Överhuvudtaget är jag nöjd med den, ändå gav jag bara två av sju som totalbetyg.

Detta på grund av nattrafiken, särskilt under vardagar.

Sista tåget går 0100, och nattbuss 497 0250. Det är mkt gles trafik, men jag kan förstå att resenärsunderlaget inte motiverar tätare trafik.

Det som jag däremot inte förstår, är varför de avgår vid så urbota dumma och olämpliga tidpunkter.

Det är er säkert bekant att krogar stänger vid jämna klockslag, oftast ett eller tre.
Med denna tidtabell innebär det att man är tvungen att bryta upp med sitt sällskap i förtid, även om man är någonstans vid slussen, vilket vi finner mäkta otrevligt.

Alla jag känner som bor längs Saltsjöbanan håller med, och även okända medresenärer man träffar på vägen.

Jag skulle vilja föreslå att tidtabellen ändras, så att sista tåget och nattbussen går tio eller kvart över, och att detta införs åtminstom på prov under sommaren.

Jag ser fram emot er svar,

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Sunday, March 19, 2006

A Thousand Drops of Ink, One Drop of Blood

All kinds of intensely beautiful news photos in the World Press Photo of the Year 2005 contest.

To me, this one was last year's most gripping:

It came second.

I've written a thousand words about the Iraq War before, for instance this,
this, and this.

You can read thousands more at Arms & Influence, Global Guerrillas, Body and Soul, The War in Context, Defense and the National Interest, and Tomdispatch.

This not the last year a picture from Iraq will have the chance to win a news photo competition.
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Saturday, March 18, 2006

Hello, Hello, How Low: The Paul Anka Cover

Back in the very early 90's, chances were that when you tuned to MTV, you actually saw a video more often than not. Any teenager skipping classes with any self-respect whatsoever would watch it several hours a day. So, from time to time (I don't remeber it was daily, or weekly, or many reruns they showed), I saw the Coca Cola Report with Christiane Baker, where many videos were aired for the first time. It was one of the lamer shows, which you'd watch whilst zapping around waiting for something better to start on another channel. But I'd rather watch re-runs of it than anything showing on MTV today.
So, one night I saw this video that was kinda cool. They had pom-pom girls in black outifts with a red anarchist 'A' in slo-mo, and the music was some kind of punkish rock. Usually, the best thing with the cocacola report was that you learned as soon as possible which videos to avoid, but it felt I wouldn't mind seeing this one a few more times, though I can't say I was enthralled on the spot.
A couple of months later it was on high rotation, and everybody knew what you called that kind of rockish punk.

Now, many have interpreted this tune. But this one, you just gotta have to listen to, if nothing else because the lyrics are intelligible:

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Thursday, March 16, 2006

Light Bubble

Sometimes I dream I could be a professional inventor; it seems so easy and rewarding when you read a book like The Medici Effect. But then Thomas Edison patented over 600 inventions, and he set a goal to produce one minor invention every ten days and one major one every six months!
I've had a few ideas, and I have a feeling for what it takes to get them, but to realise them is a different matter entirely. I guess he just had more flow than I do.
But then, knowing that people actually patented things like the 'Hijacker Injector' or the 'Toilet Snorkel' makes me feel damn better.

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Wednesday, March 15, 2006

80's Arcade Video Games

I spend many an hour and many a coin on games like Pac Man, Donkey Kong, 1942, Commando and many others back in the days...

Now they're here. Just press '5' on your keyboard to put a coin in the slot.
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Monday, March 13, 2006

Saturn Sounds Spooky

You know those sci-fi movies where the score is meant to be "eldritch", "eerie", "ethereal", "uncanny", "freaky" or whatnot?

Well, Saturn really does sounds like that, in a way no musician could hope to compose. Listen to what Cassini heard on its way and around Saturn:

Day 207 (10 seconds)

Day 324 (73 seconds)

Day 1268 (28 seconds)

Day 517 (11 seconds)

Day 542 (10 seconds)

For pictures and info for each tune, check here: day 207, day 324, day 1268, day 517, day 542.
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Saturday, March 11, 2006

Video Surfing

Norwegian kitchen appliance rock band Hurra Torpedo performs an awesome cover of "Total Eclipse of the Heart".
In blue, bad-fitting 70's tracksuits.

Zen mastery of reverse motion shots: Balancing Point.

A cartoon for kids introducing a world more fantasmagic than Wonderland and zanier than Oz.

How to peel potatoes: put in icy water, cut the skin around, and pull.

By Jove! A jollier version of MK Ultra for our lads in the swinging sixties: LSD tested on British troops.

UPDATE: I've found a couple of nifty sites: if you want to send (or just keep for yourself) a video and not the link, you can save them to your hard disk with KeepVid; then you can mail them (up to 2GB) with skickafilen.se.
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