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Thursday, March 16, 2006

Light Bubble

Sometimes I dream I could be a professional inventor; it seems so easy and rewarding when you read a book like The Medici Effect. But then Thomas Edison patented over 600 inventions, and he set a goal to produce one minor invention every ten days and one major one every six months!
I've had a few ideas, and I have a feeling for what it takes to get them, but to realise them is a different matter entirely. I guess he just had more flow than I do.
But then, knowing that people actually patented things like the 'Hijacker Injector' or the 'Toilet Snorkel' makes me feel damn better.

Haha, gud vad sjukt! Bra med bilder!

Jag bombarderade dig på ICQ. Det var trevligt. Chatta med sig själv.
kul att vi kommenterade samtidigt.

och tack för din medverkan till veckans uppfinning. jag härmed copyleftar (m. GPL) den här & nu:

Smiley för man: O->
Smiley för kvinna: O+
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